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Seminars and Conferences (oral presentations)

Mitochondria-based Iron Monitoring Pathway

FASEB conference, Trace Elements in Biology and Medicine

2024/06/11, Melbourne, FL, USA, in person conference

Mitochondrial Import-Coupled Stress Response

1st PittCell conference

2024/05/02, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in person conference

Mitochondrial Import-Coupled Stress Response ~ A fine system to signal from mitochondria to the cytosol~

University of Miami, Department of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Seminar Series

2024/01/25, Coral Gables, FL, USA, in person seminar

A mitochondrial iron-responsive pathway regulated by DELE1 import

The 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

2023/12/06, Kobe, Japan, in person conference

*Symposium Organizer

Mitochondrial Import-Coupled Stress Response ~ A fine system to signal from mitochondria to the cytosol~


2023/11/27, Yamagata, Japan, in person conference

Mitochondrial Import-Coupled Stress Response ~ A fine system to signal from mitochondria to the cytosol~

10th Translational Research in Mitochondria/Metabolism in Aging and Disease (TRiMAD) Conference

2023/11/7, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in person conference


Mitochondrial Import-Coupled Stress Response ~ A fine system to signal from mitochondria to the cytosol~

University of Pittsburgh, Department of Cell Biology Seminar Series

2023/10/24, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in person seminar


Mitochondrial Stress Responses ~from stress-sensing to signal transduction~

Virginia Tech., School of Neuroscience Innovator Seminar Series

2022/11/09, Blackburg, VA, USA, in person seminar


Mitochondrial Stress Responses ~from stress-sensing to signal transduction~

Internal Springer Nature Seminar Series

2022/10/21, on line seminar



2022/10/13, Tokyo, Japan, in person seminar

Discovery of novel mitochondrial stressor that induces acute mitochondrial membrane perturbation.

The 94th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society

2021/11/04, on line conference

*Symposium Organizer



187回 NIH 金曜会

2021/10/01, on line seminar


熊本大学, シグナル・代謝医学セミナー

2021/08/17, on line seminar

Molecular Mechanisms of Stress-Dependent PINK1 Import Regulation.

Gordon Research Seminar, Protein Transport Across Cell Membranes

2020/03/08, Garveston, TX, USA

*Keynote Lecture

*Invited and scheduled however canceled secondary to the COVID19 Pandemic


Molecular Mechanisms of Stress-Dependent PINK1 Import Regulation.

Gordon Research Conference, Protein Transport Across Cell Membranes

2020/03/12, Garveston, TX, USA

*Short-talk selected from poster presentations

*Invited and scheduled, however canceled secondary to the COVID19 Pandemic


PINK1 import regulation at a crossroad of mitochondrial fate.
Osaka University, FBS Seminar Series, OsakaMito 2019

2019/12/10, Osaka, Japan

PINK1 import regulation at a crossroad of mitochondrial fate.

The 42nd Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

2019/12/04, Fukuoka, Japan

*Workshop Organizer

PINK1 import regulation at a crossroad of mitochondrial fate.

NIH-Japan-JSPS Symposium

2019/10/28, Bethesda, MD, USA

Tug of war between mitochondrial import machineries and proteases regulates PINK1 activity.

University of Pittsburgh, Neuroscience Seminar Series

2019/04/12, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Stress-dependent PINK1 import regulation.

​1st International YoungMito Meeting

2018/04/21, Kyoto, Japan


PARL-mediated cleavage of PGAM5 in stress responses.

EMBO workshop, Mitochondrial Quality Control

2017/07/04, Xi’an, China

The Analysis of stress response in mitochondria.

The 89th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Pharmacological Society

2016/03/11, Yokohama, Japan





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